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7 Fun New Words Merriam-Webster Added to the Dictionary for 2022

The English language is constantly changing as we develop innovative ways to describe our current situation. (Imagine telling your 2019 self that you just crushed today’s Wordle.)

Related: Find out which Wordle answer was searched the most in 2022

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Sometimes you just can’t find the right word to describe a feeling, thing, or event. That’s when you resort to making up words.

Thanks to the proliferation of news via speed-of-light social media, new words and phrases are catching on faster than ever. Some are short-lived or only used among a select group of people, like “feels” or “bae.” 

But when a word gets added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, you know it’s more than just a fad. The dictionary itself explains that words get added based on their usage. So when a word starts showing up in online conversations, it gets noticed. 

But it’s not enough to be a trending tweet for a news cycle. To be included in the dictionary, “a word must be used in a substantial number of citations that come from a wide range of publications over a considerable period of time.”

Going into 2022, 455 new words earned a coveted spot in the dictionary or updated entry to reflect their changing use in today’s lexicon. Here are some of the most interesting ones to note.

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Our Favorite Merriam-Webster Dictionary Additions for 2022

These words prove that English is an ever-evolving language, full of wonderful new ways to combine letters and make meaning. It’s interesting to note how many of these definitions reflect our societal move toward a more digital communication landscape. 

Because (conjunction)

The new definition of “because” is “by reason of.” It’s often used comedically to explain complicated things vaguely. As in, “the sky is blue because science,” or “I don’t like her because reasons.”

TBH (abbreviation)

This abbreviation stands for “to be honest.” It’s often used in text conversations, as in “I don’t feel like going out tonight, TBH.”

Fluffernutter (n)

This word describes a sandwich that entails spreading peanut butter and marshmallow topping on white bread. Yum?

Amirite (interjection)

This is a combination of three words “am I right.” It’s used conversationally, often humorously. As in, “Writers and their love of words, amirite?”

Copypasta (n)

This refers to any type of data (including text) that has been copied and spread online. It can range from lighthearted memes to serious political messages. 

Deplatform (v)

Use this word to refer to taking any sort of speaking platform away from somebody. Specifically, it can refer to kicking someone off of a large communication platform, like social media.

Whataboutism (n)

This word refers to the act of responding to an accusation by saying that somebody else committed an offense that was the same or worse. As in “sure, I was late to work but whatabout that guy who didn’t even show up today?”

FTW (abbreviation)

These three letters stand for “for the win.” This abbreviation is often used in social media commentary or when stating approval for something. As in “Fridays off FTW.”

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Related: Learn 12 different ways to say congratulations!

What’s Next for the English Language? Stay Tuned

Who knows what new words will be added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary in the future. That’s all part of the fun of the English language!

It’s not always possible to know what 400 or some words are being added to the dictionary at any given time. Fortunately, you can keep your writing fresh and up-to-date by using a proofreader like Grammarly.

If you’d prefer to leave the words to someone else, we can help. People First Content can write conversational and engaging content that communicates your brand’s message to your target audience. Click below to get in touch!

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