Free Keyword Density Tool 🗝️
Optimize Your Keyword Density for SEO
Keyword stuffing is a big no-no when it comes to search engine optimization. But without an adequate number of keywords in your content, search engines won’t know what you’re talking about.
Enter: The Keyword Density Tool.
This fully featured and totally FREE tool lets you input your text and however many keywords you want to track, then highlights and counts how many times you used each keyword. It also calculates your keyword density for every entered keyword.
To learn more, check out the FAQ below!
Keyword Density Calculator
*Add multiple keywords separated by commas or returns
There is no hard and fast rule for keyword density. However, 3% density is a good rule of thumb for your primary keyword.
The keyword tool is not ideal as a word processor. There is no save feature or text formatting options. It’s best to use this as a final editing step to make sure you included all your keywords and didn’t use too many or too few.
If you use single word keywords, it’ll be spot on. However, keyword phrases’ density are artificially deflated. But all in all, this only becomes an issue with shorter texts. The longer your text is the more negligible the margin of error.
PFC’s blog is a great place to learn! We’ve linked relevant blog posts below so you can learn more about SEO.