What Web Users Expect From Your Website

Did you know that only around 200 million of the more than one billion websites receive any visitors? That means 80% of all sites receive no traffic at all.

The lesson? That simply having a website doesn’t mean that people will visit it. With so many quality websites out there, web users must be given a reason to spend time on a site. If you’re trying to attract visitors to your business website, then it’s imperative that you give the people what they expect to see from a modern site. In this post, we’ll look at a few essentials to keep in mind when putting together your site — your business success depends on it. 

In This Article:

    A Sense of Purpose

    Your website should clearly communicate who you are, what you do, and how you can benefit your visitors. Without that information, the visitor will have to figure things out for themselves, and in an age when there are so many other websites they can visit, that’s something that they’ll simply be unwilling to do. 

    By instilling your website with a sense of purpose, you’ll make it more likely that your visit engages with your website, boost conversions, and set yourself apart from the competition. It’s essential, basically.

    Great Design

    Your website visitor will make a snap judgement about your website in under a second. If they like what they see, then they’ll be more likely to stick around and become a customer. If they’re not impressed, converting your visitor will be much more challenging — or perhaps even impossible. Working with a web designer will increase the chances that your website makes a positive impression, and it’ll also help enhance the user’s experience and give your SEO a boost, too. If you already have a website but haven’t updated the design in a while, then look at giving it a bit of an update — it might just make all the difference. 

    Useful Content

    It’d be nice if your website visitors simply came to your website and made a purchase. But that’s rarely going to happen. In most cases, the user will spend time on your website gathering information, and then think about becoming a customer. You can ensure that they can get what they’re looking for by providing as much useful content as possible, including blogs, product descriptions, how-to guides, and expert insights. By doing so, you won’t just be giving your visitors valuable information, but you’ll also be establishing yourself as an expert in your field.

    Easy, Enjoyable To Use

    Ultimately, your website visitors want to have an experience that’s as enjoyable as possible. If your website contains annoying elements, then there’s a high chance that they’ll simply hit the ‘X’ button. Make sure your website works well on mobile, doesn’t have annoying pop-ups, and is fast-loading. After all, people are fairly impatient when it comes to websites, and with good reason — with standards so high online, they simply don’t need to settle for a site that doesn’t make their lives easier. 

    Master the Art of Being Online

    Building a successful website isn’t just about having an online presence—it’s about creating an engaging, user-friendly experience that attracts and retains visitors. By ensuring your site has a clear purpose, great design, valuable content, and seamless usability, you can stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

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