People First Content Blog
Learn all the content marketing tips and tricks
Email Marketing for B2B
Email marketing for B2B is thriving. Learn about the importance of email marketing for small businesses and how to create a successful campaign.
What Is a Fractional Content Team, and Why Do You Need One?
See how a fractional content team is a cost-effective solution for creating high-quality content without having to hire full-time employees.
How To Rank on Bing vs. Google
Learn how to rank on Bing vs. Google, and why you should be trying to rank on multiple search engines.
4 Free Tools for Search Engine Optimization
Want to get your website ranked higher in Google? SEO is the way to go! Try these 4 free tools for search engine optimization.
7 Ways To Grow Your Email List
Looking for creative ways to grow your email list? Check out our top 7 tips to help you get the most out of your email list-building efforts.
Content Marketing Trends You Can't Ignore in 2023
2023 is rapidly approaching, so it's time to take a good look at your content marketing campaigns. What trends are in and which are out?
12 Gift Ideas Any Marketer Will Love
Don’t know what gift to get for your marketing friend? We narrowed down twelve of the best products on the market right now.
Why Tech Companies Need Content Writing
In today's marketing landscape, it's hard to overstate the importance of having a blog. Learn the benefits that blogs provide tech companies.
What Is Quality Content?
You can’t just fill your website with just anything. You need quality content. But what does that mean and how can you tell what is and isn’t?
Why You Should Start Repurposing Content
Repurposing content can help you increase your site's traffic and conversion rates, while lowering your workload. Learn how!
Optimizing Your Keywords for Google
With Google's recent algorithm updates, the keywords you include on your site are more important than ever.
How White Label Content Can Help Your Business
Your business needs to produce content, but you don't have the time or in-house expertise. Find out the 5 benefits of white label content.
7 Basic Tips To Improve User Experience
User experience is key to success in the digital age. We've compiled some easy-to-follow tips for improving your UX for long-term success.
So You Wanna Self-Publish Online?
You've got a great idea for an eBook, but you're not sure what the process looks like. Read this guide to demystify the process of self-publishing.